NorthStar ARS


About ARSOur ExperienceApplicationsThe NorthStar approach


Most audience response systems are similar in their capabilities. They can all poll an audience, display the data, and generate reports. But not all questions are the same.

Psychologist have identified over 25 different types of errors that can enter into the data collection process*. That’s a lot of ways to ask a question the wrong way!

That’s why NorthStar works with clients before, during, and after the meeting. We help design questions to get a response that can be trusted. We aren’t interested in just running a nice presentation (although we like that!), we want our clients to get meaningful information as well.

After all, if you’re going to invest time and energy into collecting data, shouldn’t you make sure it’s data that’s worth collecting?

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*Podsakoff, PM, MacKenzie, SB, Lee, JY, Podsakoff, NP. "Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies." Journal of Applied Psychology. 88: 879, 2003..